Navigating the intricate dynamics of relationships, parenting, and separation can be challenging as you support your child’s wellbeing, but you don’t have to face these difficulties alone.

We have listed below a number of resources which might be useful to provide guidance and support for individuals, parents, and families.

Standing by your side through relationship, parenting, and separation hurdles for your family.

Professional and compassionate teams are available for counselling, education, emotional support and practical strategies. This organisation can help individuals, couples and families through life’s testing times.

Their services are caring, confidential and tailored to suit your unique situation.

All families experience challenges sometimes

Experienced counsellors will work with you to determine a customised approach for your unique situation. Family Counselling can help family members of all ages better understand and relate to each other, restore trust and improve communication.

Family Counselling is suitable for all family members including children, young people and adults.

If you need some help or support or just want to talk through a parenting issue, ParentLine counsellors are ready to help you.

Parent Line is a free telephone counselling and support service for parents and carers with children aged 0 to 18 who live in NSW.

Parent Line counsellors provide confidential and non-judgemental advice and support for parents, carers or professionals living in NSW, seven days a week.

Would you like to increase your confidence to support your teen through a tough time?

Together with your coach, you will develop a unique action plan that is designed around your teen’s and family’s strengths and give you direction and focus.

By simply logging in you can access one-on-one support – free of charge.

In a time of high uncertainty, a little bit of support can make a big difference!

Kids Helpline is open 24/7 to answer calls, email or WebChat. While Kids Helpline counsellors can’t provide health or medical advice, they can provide emotional support anytime and for any reason.

Parents Beyond Breakup

Supports parents experiencing trauma related to family breakdown and separation. Separation from their former partner and from their children; a factor closely linked to suicide in Australia.

If you or someone you care for is experiencing emotional distress, such as thoughts of suicide, and you’d like support, the SafeHaven is there for you.

The SafeHaven is a friendly, compassionate place where you won’t be judged.

Create a safe alternative to a Hospital Emergency Department.

Provide for those experiencing emotional and suicidal distress.

Provide timely and effective care.

Be led by Peer Support Workers.

Create a society that has better access to care. A society that keeps us in our communities where we can support one another.

Help your child manage anxiety and become more emotionally resilient.

This full toolkit of tips and ideas really works!

Free online course:

Get a better understanding of anxiety and fear and what can be done about it.

Know what to do when your child is anxious or upset.

A whole range of tools and strategies based on proven principles.

Australian program, university-developed by child psychologists.

Mindfulness can help you establish new habits and foster positive mental health routines with your family.

The Smiling Mind free app has programs developed specifically for families to help with:

Sleep – Establish good sleep routines and support a better night’s sleep for the whole family.

Meal times – Make meal times calmer and more enjoyable.

After school – Reset kids’ minds and bodies after a busy day of learning.

Weekends – Foster connection and help your family prepare for the week ahead.

Your complete and trusted online parenting resource

At, free, reliable, up-to-date and independent information is available to help your family grow and thrive together. They are funded by the Australian Government, reviewed by experts and non-commercial, so you know you can trust them.

Does your child suffer from anxiety?

The Cool Kids Anxiety Program has been running at Macquarie University since 1993. It is a structured 10 session program run over a minimum of 10 weeks that teaches children (ages 7-17 years) and their parents how to better manage a child’s anxiety.

Your child needs a happy and safe environment to thrive.

This site includes many topics that will help you work with your child and the school to build a happy and safe learning community. Select primary or secondary to find the right resources to support you.

Mental Health Phone Services and Support

24/7 support for people impacted by sexual assault, domestic violence for abuse.

Online support and counselling to young people aged 12 to 15.

Kids Helpline
24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services for children and young people aged 5 to 25.

Confidential helpline that connects you to counsellors, social workers and therapists.

Telephone counselling and support for parents and carers of children aged 0-18 who live in NSW.

NSW Mental Health Access Line
24/7 mental health advice, support and referrals for people dealing with a mental health problem and their familes/carers.

Beyond Blue
24/7 mental health support service.

24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services.

If you are concerned about someone at risk of immediate harm, call 000 or go to your nearest hospital emergency department.

If you are concerned about someone at risk of immediate harm, call 000 or go to your nearest hospital emergency department.